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Lake Chelan rests in a glacially carved trough in the Cascade Range in northwestern Washington. At 1,500 feet (457.2 m), it is one of the nation's deepest lakes offering opportunities for boating and fishing.

A trip to the head of Lake Chelan is a journey into an unspoiled frontier, forgotten by time. Nestled in the deepest gorge in North America, Lake Chelan is one of Washingtons largest bodies of fresh water. Though the average width is less than two miles, the lake extends 55 miles into the heart of the Cascade Mountain Range with peaks that exceed 9000 feet.

A trip uplake bridges the gap between the arid desert-like climate of the lower Lake Chelan Valley, through fiord-like gorges carved by glaciation, to the headwaters of the lake deep in the Cascade Mountains. Along the way you will lay witness to some of Mother Natures finest work, though she certainly didn't spend much time polishing up. She left behind some of the roughest mountain peaks in the world.